We hope everyone enjoyed the holiday.
Please be reminded about a
few key dates coming in the next week. Please see below for the
details. The QR code requirement for all patrons 12+ begins this Tuesday January 4th and they can’t enter the arena without the QR
code. Below is the link to download the QR code.
January 4th
· Vaccination certificate with QR code will be the only acceptable form of proof
· The security guards will be scanning each QR code so please be patient with them
as we work through this, having your QR code ready and photo ID will help with
this process
· Here is the link to download the QR code
· If you need assistance with accessing this certificate, staff at the Gale Centre,
MacBain Community Centre & all public libraries would be happy to assist
and print for you
January 10th
· Medical exemption notes will no longer be accepted. Patrons with exemptions
will require a certificate with QR code linked to the medical exemption
· Medical notes submitted to Niagara Region Public Health by physician
· Medical exemptions will only be accepted with the QR code