New President announcement:, News (Niagara Girls Hockey Association)

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May 05, 2017 | Chris Corney | 1813 views
New President announcement:
The executive of Niagara Girls Hockey Association is pleased to announce the appointment of Pat Sica as President. 

Prior to accepting the Presidency Pat served in the positions of registrar, skill development, OWHA and LLFHL liaison.  He has been a long time member of the executive, coach and volunteer for NGHA.  We are pleased that Pat has accepted the appointment and know he will represent the organization well and will continue to contribute immensely to the athletes and families of our association.   Pat may be reached at [email protected].

On Behalf of the executive we would like to thank our past President Jodi Jamieson for her many years of service.  We hope that she enjoys some much overdue time away from the rink!
